The Whisky Extravaganza Boston 2019

We’ve attended the Whisky Extravaganza in Boston since 2011, and we were thrilled to be there in full force this year for our ninth straight Extravaganza. As we have done with the Extravaganza and other whisky festivals we’ve attended multiple times, we try not to repeat ourselves and focus instead on writing about what was new or different in this year’s event–and on the photos from the event.
The main notable difference between this year’s event and previous iterations of it was the food. Bill found the food so inspiring, in fact, that he penned the following paragraph on it the day after the event:
What a great selection of foods! In no particular order, in the Connoisseur’s Lounge, I dove into the turkey, the mini-buttercream-frosted cupcakes, and especially the Cypress Grove Truffle Tremor soft cheese. In the main room, I stuffed myself on pulled pork, mac’n’cheese, and many other Cypress Grove cheeses, including an all-time favorite of mine, Humboldt Fog and a new favorite, Midnight Moon There were shrimp ceviche cups, bbq beef bites, and a host of other robust foodstuffs to lay down the all-important base layer to absorb some of the great drinks and shield us from extreme effects. The best part, though, was watching Stephen in from Norway start to roll his eyes heavenwards, making incomprehensible happy noises as he rolled some pulled pork around in his mouth: A fitting tribute to the perfect accompaniments to all the great whiskies at the Extravaganza.

But as always, there were some surprising new drams that caught our attention: the Deanston Cream Sherry limited edition, the full range of Heaven’s Door whiskeys, the Roe & Co. Irish Whiskeys, and, as usual, most everything the Scotch Malt Whisky Society and Bikram Singh from Norfolk Wine & Spirits have on offer.

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