The Westland Peated American Single Malt Whiskey
50 ml moonmilk mini
Tasting notes:
Lemon scented dish soap, from the vantage point of the children not helping to clean the kitchen. Smoke from a cooled pipe that held a very mild tobacco. “Wipe hands on pants,” reads the Parkinsonian scrawl on the broken bathroom hand drier. I do just that and feel coolness on my thighs as the water seeps through my super 110 gabardine trousers.
Salty, flinty, bright and dry. Which is to say, there’s a yummy, mineralic tang. Later, more distinctive notes appear. Cornmint oil chilled in a restaurant freezer. Sunflowers sautéed face down in pan. An all-red candy cane in the hands of a muskrat with vaudevillian aspirations. A bouquetin horn used for making s’mores, then cave art after the tip is charred. Coconut chess pie with heaps of Muscovado sugar caramelized by a road flare.
–Our thanks to Steve Hawley and Westland Distillery for the sample!
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