The Single Cask Nation Arran 13 Cask 102 2nd fill Oloroso

750 ml edible kaleidoscope bottle

Single-Cask-Nation-Arran-13-2nd-fill-OlorosoTasting notes
The Single Cask Nation Arran 13 yo Cask #102 2nd fill Oloroso noses gentle, like a 2nd year filly playfully nosing your pockets, looking for sugar cubes or more aptly, a Braeburn apple. We get also, uh, glass—but of course, not just any glass: rather a polished vintage Venetian chandelier that once adorned the atrium of a doge’s palazzo on a piazza. Faint perfume, like the barest of mists, 13 hours later.

On the mouth, chewy intense coffee-flavored jelly bellies, caramels burnt by William Wallace in his naïve attempt as a tweener to become a clan chef instead of a clan chief. Really eggy custard, yet somehow the burnt caramel and the eggy custard don’t combine to make crème brûlée. This is a notable case wherein the sum of the parts is greater than the whole. Imagine an edible kaleidoscope. Now eat it. Yum? Yum.

The finish has an elfin Citroën that moves to a winey Winesap apple. [Stephen: Bill! A “Citroën” is a car, not a citrus fruit!] It’s got the power of summer storm in the plains states and the potential of Elon Musk. [John: Elon Musk?] It soars up without ever bowing down and there’s no anger, just implacable justice. I love me some Arran.

On the scale of comets–
The Single Cask Nation Arran 13 yo Cask #102 2nd fill Oloroso sherry bombalicious is the Comet Hale-Bopp–If you saw it (1997 was best, at the perihelion), you know of what I speak. If not, you’ll need to be cryogenically frozen for about 2,500 years…similarly, get a hold of a bottle of the SCN Arran before it, too, passes beyond your orbit and ken.




–Our thanks to Joshua Hatton and Single Cask Nation for the sample!


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