The George Dickel No. 1 White Corn Whisky
750 ml Not Our Bailiwick bottle
As a rule, we don’t review unaged whiskies or white dogs. And we’re not breaking that rule here. But in the wake of our interview with George Dickel’s Allisa Henley, we are publishing reviews on the rest of the George Dickel line, so we thought we’d make mention of the primogenial recipe and show you a pretty picture of it. And say a tiny bit about it.
Tasting notes:
The nose is as far as we got before John snatched the glasses from our hands and dumped them, along with the remainder of the bottle, in the barrel he uses to make his famous “Founders Day Swamp Punch” (we didn’t ask what it is he celebrates the founding of in making it, mainly thanks to his inclusion of the word “Swamp” in its name). But on the nose, we found very bright cereal notes, like you’d expect to find in the Kellogg’s Select Reserve Corn flakes or in the General Mills Limited Edition Single Grain Cheerios. Based on this nose, we would eat these cereals. Hell, we might even shoot to create a kid and name him Mikey so he could eat it, too, even if his eating it wouldn’t be saying much. There are also high mineral notes that we figured would shine brightly in the moonlight, provided they were mined as whole ore and left to sit out all night.
That’s as far as we got, mainly because we couldn’t give this one–or any other unaged whisky–as fair as shake as John could within his Founders Day Swamp Punch, and he’s not giving away any of his secrets on that front.
–Our thanks to George Dickel for the sample!
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