The SMWS 39.83
30 ml dinner with the in-laws starter bottle
[This is one of many shorter reviews we’re posting on current Scotch Malt Whisky Society offerings (and we’re trying some Lo-Mob photographic effects, though on this one, we drank it before we got around to photographing it–oops!). Check out the beginning of this other post if you want more of an explanation. If you want to find out more about the SMWS or their bottlings, you should visit]
Tasting notes:
On the nose, I would’ve sworn this was a port made from the softest Pinot Grigio Burgundy ever produced and then laced with dandelion honey. There’s more honey on the mouth, or maybe it’s the butter you’d find in butterscotch–just without the scotch, even though it’s in a Scotch. Notes of caramelized sugar coating a slice of honeydew melon wedged seductively between Mona Lisa’s teeth–if she actually had any. With a mouthfeel like cachaça diluted by your teenage son while you were out of town, this dram is especially easy to get down your gullet. After that, however, the finish burns in the back of the throat like a thin taper candle made from gelatinized honeysuckle nectar. And it hangs around and fills the palate like a geode made from honeycomb forming at 32X speed–that is, if the two geometries could actually work together (what’s the geometry equivalent to a mixed metaphor?). Overall, a sweet, sweet dram in every sense of that term.
The SMWS 39.83 is an eight-leaf clover–OK, so it’s a major mutant, but it’s double the good luck! And did I mention that it’s sweet?
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