Follow The Malt Impostor on Facebook and Twitter!
That is, if you don’t already. The handy-dandy buttons for doing so (and for tweeting about our site to others) are in the left-hand column of this page. On Facebook, we put out some other info that we do not post on the site, and there we try to keep up with our friends’ lives and news as well.
Twitter, however, is another matter. We’ve debated what in the world we could do with our Twitter account, since banal, self-obsessed, narcissistic ramblings of that sort just aren’t us–as hard as that may be for most of you to believe. So we’ve decided to try to post something humorous within the 140 character limit once a week. OK, so we can’t guarantee that each tweet will be humorous, but we can guarantee that each will be pithy–and pith is always of value, especially when it comes to helmets. So come join us in the arguably exciting world of social media. You never know, it might actually turn out to be worth it. Probably not, but you never know.
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